- Glitter Graphics

It is about good memories, beautiful thoughts, feelings, emotions, relationships, good times and even the bad times of life which brings great learning experience for each one of us. It is about life in totality.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Credit Cards: its use

Credit cards is overwhelmingly attractive now a days that everyone for sure owns at least two (2) or three (3) credit cards. Owning a credit card gives a feeling of power. Swipe it and hurraahh! Its okey! Its right there in front of you. It's like magic. It gives you the power to own or get anything you want. It gives you the feeling that whatever your heart desire, you get. Because even things that are not important, you are tempted to purchase this. You feel you have someone backing you up to own anything you desire. Owners of credit cards however, tends to abuse this power forgetting that at the end they will still be most affected. Because they will have to pay for this. Credit card holder should bear in mind that with power comes with it sheer responsibility. The use of credit card should not be abused. Credit card is built with trust between the company and the user. It is founded on faith on each other, that each party will do their part as settled in the agreement terms. Credit is actually referring to good name, reputation, standing, position and status. Usually a credit card is issued when your credit has been established. Also anyone who uses credit card should bear in mind that credit card is not for free. Take responsibility for whatever you own. Take care of it because your integrity is always at stake.


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